Based upon our years of experience in all phases of environmental regulatory programs, we save money for clients by providing positive solutions while avoiding costly future non-compliance issues.
ECCI manages complex and potentially expensive environmental projects with operational effectiveness and cost effectiveness as dual objectives. We protect the clients’ business interests by carefully managing compliance with state and federal environmental regulations and implementing facility environmental programs.
Specialty Areas
Environmental Compliance Audits
Environmental Site Assessments (Phase I/II)
Air Permitting and Compliance
Air Dispersion Modeling
NPDES Permitting and Compliance (Industrial, Construction and Stormwater)
SPCC Plans
Threatened & Endangered Species Evaluations
Hazardous Waste Permitting (Part B) and Compliance
EPCRA Compliance (Tier II/TRI)
NEPA Environmental Assistance
Erosion Control and Sedimentation Plans
Risk Management Plans and Audits
Environmental Training
Acquisition/Greenfield Development
404 Wetlands & Stream Channel Delineations/Permitting/Mitigation
Facility and Site Closures
Mining Permitting and Compliance
Wastewater Treatment Design and Evaluations
Land Application Permitting and Compliance
Sustainability Program Development
Regulatory Certification
As an added extension of our services, ECCI also maintains a complex database of information that automatically sends email reminders to notify you and your staff of any and all compliance and reporting dates. This system is a free service we offer to all of our clients to help them avoid the possibility of missing any important deadlines. The reminders will be tailored to your facility’s specific needs to include state, federal and even internal requirements. Please reach out to one of our staff today, and let us see how this added bonus service can best benefit you.
Client Testimonial:
“After more than 8 years, we continue to work with ECCI because of their knowledge of regulations, prompt service, reporting accuracy, and dedication to customer service. All of their team members are intelligent, dedicated, and great to work with.”
✓ Environmental
✓ Engineering
✓ Facility & Integrity Inspections
✓ Innovation
✓ Enthusiasm
✓ Family
✓ Honesty
✓ Integrity
✓ Reliability
✓ Synergy